Since the Earth day is approaching, we’ve been collecting all kinds of recycle materials. Our first ‘Earth Day’ project is a robot made out of different recycle materials. It’s a very simple DIY tutorial that can be done with kids. It consists of 4 stages: collecting materials, choosing a design, assembling (adult supervision required when handling strong adhesives), and decorating.
The materials we used to make this robot are:
Rubber ball
Bottle caps
Metal tin
Empty matches box
Nuts and bolts
Pins and beads
Paper clip
1. After gathering needed materials we painted robots head (rubber ball), hands and feet (clothespins), shoes (matches box) with black acrylic paint and let it dry completely. We couldn’t decide what color we want but in the process opted for black. You can choose any color paint you want to make your own unique robot.
2. Next step is to glue bottle caps to clothespins (hands and feet) and the body (for the neck). Let that dry completely. We used E6000 glue which requires some time to dry. Another alternative would be to use a glue gun. Glue gun allows for fast drying. In both cases you need an adult supervision.
3. Glue hands, feet and head to the body of the robot. Let them dry completely. Same idea with the glue as for the step 2.
4. To make robot’s face we glued small nuts to make eye. We used a silver flat head pin for the nose. We made the ears and antenna’s from nuts, pins and beads.
5. To decorate the robot we glued washers to make robot’s shoes look pretty. We made a heart out of red paper clip and added to robot’s body.
6. We used black sharpie to fix any bold paint spots on the head, hands and feet.
The kids loved him so much that we are now collecting more recycle materials to make him a buddy or maybe a girlfriend 🙂
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