How Can We Help Children Deal with Natural Disasters?

How Can We Help Children Deal with Natural Disasters? 940 627 Bambinis

My husband and I went on a short vacation mid-month, with a group of old friends. On the…

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Why Your Children Don’t Get Your Messages

Why Your Children Don’t Get Your Messages 635 422 Bambinis

What prevents your messages getting through to your children? Have you noticed that sometimes your children just need…

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Music, Children and Brain Development

Music, Children and Brain Development 150 150 Bambinis

How music may help children with “behavior problems” Recently in my behavioral pediatrics practice I saw James, a…

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Getting Ahead: Why Preschool Benefits the Brain

Getting Ahead: Why Preschool Benefits the Brain 150 150 Bambinis

One problem with the wise saying, ‘Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach him…

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100 things to do with kids

100 Things to Do with Kids on a Rainy Day or a Hurricane Weekend.

100 Things to Do with Kids on a Rainy Day or a Hurricane Weekend. 1634 962 Bambinis

Due to upcoming hurricane Irene, I’m hoping everyone will find a safe place to stay and enough food…

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Advancing on the Spiritual Path 1: Spiritual Skills

Advancing on the Spiritual Path 1: Spiritual Skills 150 150 Bambinis

Meditation forms a sound basis for developing spiritual skills “The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest…

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6 Ways to Help Your Child Develop Better Friendships

6 Ways to Help Your Child Develop Better Friendships 150 150 Bambinis

I’m getting a lot of flack about friends lately. Be kind to other people and they will treat…

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Seven Tips to Increase Your Child’s Happiness and Well Being For the happy healthy child

Seven Tips to Increase Your Child’s Happiness and Well Being For the happy healthy child 150 150 Bambinis

These simple tips will help any child feel happier. But they are especially useful for a child who…

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Teaching Your Kids to Be Honest

Teaching Your Kids to Be Honest 150 150 Bambinis

What’s the best strategy for teaching your kids honesty? I’m sure you want your children to be honest-not…

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