Fun Learning with Flash Color Cards

Fun Learning with Flash Color Cards

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These colorful visual aids will help you familiarize children with the outside world. Working with the cards will not only increase the child’s vocabulary, but also will teach him/her to compare and generalize.

For instance, if we take two flash cards with animals, by looking at them, a child can point to the differences and similarities between the two. You can start to familiarize your baby with the cards as early as 6 months, by showing the pictures and describing what is displayed on it.
Once the child is more or less familiar with the cards, you can ask him/her to find a particular card. For example, depending on the child’s age you can ask such questions as: “Where’s the cat?”, “What color is it?”, “What can a cat do?”, “What sound does a cat make?”, “What does a cat eat?”. The same type of questions can be asked for none living objects. Thus, the same set of cards can offer a child different type of games that will help him/her with the development of memory, attention, logical thinking and speech.

Older children can be asked to sort cards on the living and none living things, pet and wild animals etc. In addition, the cards have the correct spelling and pronunciation of the words. Thus, you can simultaneously teach the child new words.

Today, we are going to start with the simplest flash cards – “colors”.

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