Learn How to Draw Trees

Learn How to Draw Trees

Learn How to Draw Trees 551 380 Bambinis

height=”150″ class=”alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-1194″ />Every child loves to draw. Discovering the world of paints and pencils is a process that helps the development of fine motor skills, it also broadens the horizons and just a very exciting activity for children. In this section “How to draw Trees” I will show how to draw trees step by step. Even without the talent of drawing it’s becoming a very easy task to teach a child how to draw a tree based on the diagrams. I will teach you how to draw a pine tree, a palm tree and а christmas tree.

Teaching children to draw different trees, you are not only exposing them to the world of arts but also introducing them to the new words such as different parts of the trees: crown, steam, leaves and bark.

Now you wont have to ponder on how to teach your kids to draw trees if such problem ever arouses. After reading this article and following all the steps you will not only be able to draw a tree, but perhaps a whole fairy forest.

Before starting to draw a tree its very important to take a look at a real one. Take a walk in the park and study a tree with your child or simply look at a picture of a tree in a book. Ask your child to describe what she/he sees. Your drawing will look more realistic if you pay attention to every little detail of the tree.

It’s better to start drawing step by step, defining the main details. In our case it’s the stem and crown. Explain your child that while drawing a contour, the pencil needs to be held the same was as it’s held during the writing exercises. If the child can’t draw a straight line, let him try to do that in strokes. Don’t press too hard on the pencil so that it will be easy to erase an incorrect line.

Lets start to draw a tree:

1. Trace a contour, making two parallel lines – stem, then using a wavy line draw a crown on top. how to draw trees

2. Now, concentrate on the details, giving a tree some kind of dimension. Draw leafs on top of the wavy line making a crown more realistic. Also, draw additional branches and twigs.

3. The last step would be to clean up the drawing by erasing unneeded lines and adding the surrounding objects like ground from which the tree is growing (grass, flowers and etc.) Also, draw more leafs inside the crown circle to give it even more dimension.

4. Enjoy your drawing and try a few more times until you become a pro!

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